Emmy’s Brigadeiro
| Packaging & Marketing

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Marketing deliciousness.

A busy working Mum with a skill for creating delicious, healthy treats was looking to launch a new business treating customers to a real delight… A traditionally Brazilian treat, the ‘Brigadeiro’.

We were tasked with researching a simple way to self brand and box the product suitably for small runs.

We came up with earthy kraft stock recycled boxes along with uncoated labels for the boxes and recycled mini glass jars with wooden mini spoons to house the delicious spread. Each product was created with bespoke labelling making it easy to do for the client, as and when she needed to box them, whilst still maintaining a professional look and feel.

We also designed and produced roller banners for stands/events along with thick, uncoated stock marketing/business cards to hand out at events and with products for repeat business and website marketing.

Emmy’s skills have proven very in demand and she now provides niche catering for events, business meeting/seminars, weddings and a whole host of suitable venues seeking something delicious to savour…

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