Clarke + Whalen
| Logo & Branding

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Looking for a fresh start.

Clarke + Whalen commissioned us to research and brainstorm new ideas for their company logo and branding.

Having a preference on colours we created various concepts around those brand core colours and worked up alternatives for consideration. They also wanted their new logo to have a ‘stencil’ look and feel. We shortlisted a wealth of typefaces for review and after deliberation and discussion narrowed it down to a final preferred option. This was revised and redrawn due to the shapes of individual characters not being perfectly formed or balanced, obviously very important as they’re architects!

Once the reworkings were complete, the logo was finalised and created in various colour options and formats. We also created a shortened version with just the ‘C’ and ‘W’ to be utilised on blueprints/charts and social media/digital marketing usage.

In addition to their rebrand, we also created their corporate stationery, marketing products and advertising/site hoarding concepts.

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